We display artworks especially paintings, pottery, jewellery, glass and more all from local, Australian and International artists. All the picture shown are framed in our workshop.
The Gallery has been in Kuranda for over 20 years. Jurg & Marta took over the Gallery in 2010 and have carried out the work that the previous owners established and have kept the high quality of work and service that is the tradition of the Gallery.
We immigrated 2003 to Australia and settled straight on the Tableland (Dimbulah). After set up different projects we had to decide moving further south but because we like the life style in FNQ so we looked around what else we could do. Coincidently at a X-Mas party we were introduced to the previous owner of Terra Nova Gallery. During the discussion we were immediately exited about there concept having a retail outlet for different items mainly from Australian artists in combination with a framing workshop, to make our own frame as well as customer framing. Marta always wanted a retail shop and Jurg as a handy man likes the framing part so we bought there long established business.
We enjoy running our business here in Kuranda because it is a combination between meeting different kind of people (locals, interstate and international) who are interested in unique Australian art, the perfect climate and relaxed life style. It creates a special environment in running our business in Kuranda.